You must provide all of the following information to complete your entry. Failure to accurately include
all the required information may make you ineligible for a DV.

  1. Name – last/family name,first name,middle name – exactly asit appears on
    your passport, if you have a passport(for example, if your passport shows
    only your first and last/family name, please list your last/family name and
    then first name; do not include a middle name unless it is included on your
    passport. If your passport includes a first, middle and last/family name,
    please list them in the following order: last/family name, first name, middle
    name). If you have only one name, it must be entered in the last/family
    name field.
  2. Gender – male or female.
  3. Birth date – day, month, year.
  4. Citywhereyouwereborn.
  5. Countrywhereyouwereborn–Use thename of the countrycurrentlyusedfor
    the place where you were born.
  6. Country of eligibility for the DVprogram – Your country of eligibility will
    normally be the same as your country of birth. Your country of eligibility is
    not related to where you liveoryour nationality if it is different from your
    country of birth. If you were born in a country that is not eligible, please
    reviewtheFrequently Asked Questionsto see if there is another way you
    may be eligible.
  7. Entrant photograph(s) –Recentphotographs(taken within the lastsixmonths)
    of yourself, your spouse,and all yourderivativechildren included on your
    entry. See Submitting a Digital Photograph for compositional and technical
    specifications. You do not need to include a photograph for a spouse or
    child who is already a U.S. citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident,butyou
    will not be penalized if you do.
    DV entry photographs must meet the same standards as U.S. visa photos.
    You may be ineligible for a DV if the entry photographs for you and your
    family members do not fully meet these specifications or have been manipulated in any way. Submitting the same photograph that was submitted with a prior year’s entry will make you ineligible for a DV. See Submitting a Digital Photograph (below) for more information.
  8. Mailing Address – In Care Of
    • Address Line 1
    • Address Line 2 City/Town
    • District/Country/Province/State Postal Code/Zip Code Country
  9. Country where you live today.
  10. Phone number (optional).
  11. Emailaddress –An email address to which you have direct access and will
    continue to have direct accessthroughMay ofthenext year. Ifyoucheckthe
    Entrant Status Checkin Mayandlearn you have beenselected,you willlater
    receive follow-upemailcommunication from the Department of Statewith
    detailsifanimmigrant visa interviewbecomesavailable. Note: The
    Department of State will never send you an email telling you that you
    have been selected for the DV program. See the Frequently Asked
    Questionsfor more information about the selection process.
  12. Highest level of education you have achieved, as of today:
    • Primary school only
    • Some high school, no diploma
    • High school diploma
    • Vocational school
    • Some university courses
    • University degree
    • Some graduate-level courses
    • Master’s degree
    • Some doctoral-level courses
    • Doctorate
      See theFrequently Asked Questions for more information about educational
  13. Current marital status:
    • Unmarried
    • marriedand my spouse is NOT a U.S.citizen or U.S. LawfulPermanent
      Resident (LPR)
    • married and my spouse IS a U.S. citizen or U.S. LPR
    • divorced
    • widowed
    • legally separated
      Enterthe name, date of birth, gender, city/town of birth, and country of birth
      of your spouse, and a photograph of your spouse meetingthe same
      technical specifications as your photo.
      Failure to list your eligible spouse or, listing someone who is not your
      spouse, may make you ineligible as the DV principal applicant and your
      spouse and children ineligible as DV derivative applicants. You must list
      your spouse even if you currently are separated from them unless you are
      legally separated. Legal separation is an arrangement when a couple
      remain married but live apart, following a court order. If you and your
      spouse are legally separated, your spouse will not be able to immigrate with
      you through the DV program. You will not be penalized if you choose to
      enter the name of a spouse from whom you are legally separated. If you are
      not legally separated by a court order, you must include your spouse even if
      you plan to be divorced before you apply for the Diversity Visa, or your spouse does not intend to immigrate.
      If your spouse is a U.S. citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident, do not list
      them in your entry. A spouse who is already a U.S. citizen or LPRwill not
      require or be issued avisa. Therefore,if you select “married and my spouse
      IS a U.S. citizen or U.S. LPR” on your entry, you will not be prompted to
      include further information on yourspouse. See the Frequently Asked
      Questionsfor more information about family members.
  14. Number of children – List thename, date of birth, gender, city/town of birth, and country of birth for all living,unmarried children under 21 years of age, regardlessof whether they are living with you or intend to accompany or follow to join you,should you immigrate to the United States. Submit individual photographs of each of your children usingthe same technical specifications as your own photograph.
    Be sure to include:
    • all living natural children;
    • all living children legally adopted by you; and,
    • allliving stepchildren who are unmarried and under the age of 21 on the date of your
      electronic entry, even if you are no longer legally married to the child’s parent, and
      even if the child does not currently reside with you and/or will not immigrate with

      Married children and childrenwho are alreadyaged 21 or olderwhen you
      submit your entryare not eligible for the DVprogram. However, the Child
      Status Protection Act protects children from “aging out” in certain
      circumstances: ifyou submit yourDV entry before your unmarried child
      turns 21, and the child turns 21 before visa issuance,it is possible thatheor
      she may be treated as though heorshe wereunder 21 for visaprocessing

      A child who is already a U.S. citizen orLPRwhen you submit your DV entry will not require or be issued a Diversity Visa; you will not be penalized foreither including oromitting such family members from your entry. Failure to list all children who are eligible or listing someone who is not your child may make you ineligible for a DV, in which case your spouse and children will also be ineligible as Diversity Visa derivative applicants. See the Frequently Asked Questions, for more information about family members. See the Frequently Asked Questionsfor more information aboutcompleting your Electronic Entry for the DV-2026Program.